up to 1hr
up to 45mins
up to 1 hr
up to 30 mins
'Amatsu' Traditional Japanese Medicine is a traditional form of holistic natural holistic medicine, characterised by integrating multiple treatments together during each session, combining them simultaneously in a coordinated manner, with the aim to promote balance through every aspect of the body.
1hr 15mins
1 hr
An ancient therapy which is very effective for the relief of back and shoulder pain.
The use of herbs for restoring the body’s balance & assisting its own healing powers.
up to 1hr
up to 30mins
Helping the patient with the cause of the illness and to regain good health.
up to 1hr 30mins
up to 45mins
up to 1hr
up to 45mins
Based on Traditional Chinese Cupping using hand squeezed silicone vacuum cups and negative pressure. These soft cups can be adjusted and moved around the body without the drawback of the cup kiss marks.
upto 30 mins
up to 1 hour
Manual lymphatic drainage is an advanced therapy in which the practitioner uses a range of specialised and gentle rhythmic pumping techniques to move the skin in the direction of lymph flow.
up to 30 minutes
up to 1 hour
up to 90 minutes
Acupressure is an ancient healing art using the fingers to gradually press key healing points, which stimulate the body's natural self-curative abilities.
up to 1hr
up to 30mins
up to 1hr 30mins
up to 30mins
up to1hr 30mins
up to 1hr
up to 30mins
Fast-acting, effective and relaxing neuro-muscular release treatment for pain relief, increased mobility, immune system boosting and emotional release.
up to 45mins
up to 30mins
up to 1 hour
60 mins
30 mins
up to 1hr 30mins
up to 1hr
up to 30mins
30 mins
up to 30mins
up to 1 hour
up to 45 minutes
up to 1hr
up to 30mins
This is a specific type of massage, which is generally used before, during and after athletic events, to help prepare athletes for desired performances, prevent any injuries and relax.
up to 1 hour
up to 90 minutes
up to 30 minutes
1hr 30mins
up to 30mins
Nutritional Therapy is the science of how food & nutrients can promote optimum health. It considers the 'root cause' rather than the symptoms aloia times tests are needed for a more targeted approach (through UK tested Laboratories).
up to 1hr 30mins
up to 1hr
1hr 30mins
Osteopathy is a system of healing that deals with the structure and mechanics of the body i.e. bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves, general connective tissues, and their relationship with one another.
up to 45mins
up to 30mins
up to 1hr
Applying acupressure to the reflex points in the feet for a number of disorders/relaxing/healing.
up to 1hr
up to 30 mins
upto 1 hour
upto 1 hour
30 mins
upto 1hr 30mins
upto 1 hour
Meaning life force energy; used to restore health and harmony to the body and mind.
up to 1hr
up to 30mins
upto 1 hour
1hr 30mins
At Health Zone Clinic we offer a wide selection of health and beauty treatments such as massage, reiki, facials, osteopathy, reflexology, acupuncture, cupping, and homeopathy.