Manual lymphatic drainage is an advanced therapy in which the practitioner uses a range of specialised and gentle rhythmic pumping techniques to move the skin in the direction of lymph flow.
It cleanses the lymph of all accumulated toxic substances, which could weaken and diminish the vital functions of the body. Thus, it can slow down the ageing process, enhance well-being, promote the healing of fractures, torn ligaments, and sprains, lessen pain and improve many chronic conditions such as sinusitis, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, acne and other skin conditions.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage benefits are numerous and include:
- Clearing areas of congestion such as swollen ankles, puffy eyes and swollen legs
- Promotion of scar tissue healing, torn ligaments and sprains
- Post-operative healing
- Swelling relief following plastic surgery
- Treatment of lymphedema and other conditions arising from venous insufficiency
- Improving chronic conditions such as sinusitis, arthritis, acne and other skin conditions
- Deep relaxation