Richard is a fully qualified traditional acupuncturist and medical herbalist, with over 20years experience in the field of complimentary medicine. He has been working at Health Zone Clinic since it opened in 1997, primarily as an acupuncturist, but also as an herbalist. Since 2005 he has been working in association with Dr. Geeta Nargund, (One of the UK’S leading fertility experts and pioneer of natural IVF), treating patients undergoing IVF with acupuncture. In 2006, he attended the first International Conference on Acupuncture & Fertility at the Royal college of Physicians. He is a member of the British Acupuncture Council and the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, as well as the Acupuncture Fertility Network (AFN).
He is currently involved in research into the effectiveness of acupuncture with IVF, natural fertility, breech presentation and birth induction, as well as the use of acupuncture & herbal medicine to improve male fertility.
The body is like a garden irrigated by channels (meridians) through which life sustaining water (qi/energy flows). Along the channels are situated sluice gates (acu points) which can be used to adjust the flow.
So long as there is abundant water in the system; its flow is unimpeded, evenly distributed and harmonious, and the soil well fed with good compost (food) the garden will flourish (health). If the flow of water is obstructed, its distribution will become uneven causing some parts to become waterlogged, whilst other parts receive too little and dry up.
If too little or too much compost is applied, is of poor quality (junk food), or contaminated (additives, pesticides), the garden will degenerate (illness).
An acupuncturist is like a gardener who tends to the body’s needs, clearing any blockages and balancing the flow of energy, in order to restore health. Herbs, qi gong exercise, diet and lifestyle advice may be prescribed to address deficiencies found and prevent problems from recurring.
Richard specializes in the treatment of both male & female fertility issues (alone or in conjunction with IVF), as well as pregnancy and childbirth.
He is also experienced in treating common general health problems, such as, stress, back pain, sciatica, sports injuries, migraines, sinusitis, etc.
Available Days and Times:
Thursdays 9:30am - 6:00pm
Saturdays 9:30am - 6:00pm
Bookings: 0208 944 1133