'Amatsu' Acupuncture and Physical Japanese Medicine

'Amatsu' Acupuncture and Physical Japanese Medicine 

'Amatsu' Traditional Japanese Medicine is a traditional form of holistic natural holistic medicine, characterised by integrating multiple treatments together during each session, combining them simultaneously in a coordinated manner, with the aim to promote balance through every aspect of the body.

The treatments include, Acupuncture, several Physical Medicine therapies (listed below), Cupping, Moxibustion, After-Care guidance and more.

The multiple treatments tailored for integration are specifically chosen around the patient's condition(s) and combined together organically, in order to enhance an all round natural recovery to restore the overall balance, from head to toe.

The Physical Traditional Japanese Medicine therapies include Anma, Ampuka, Seitai, Shindenjutsu, Sekkotsu, Kenkujutsu, Kappo as well as Massage, which are often combined with Cupping and/or Moxibustion. According to the patient's needs, these Physical therapies are blended together and delivered in integration with one another, working in coordination with the Acupuncture effects which have been promoted throughout the body.

With this integrated process, both Acupuncture and Physical Medicine work together to generate a multilayered healing approach, which is driven to involve every aspect of the body, restoring alignment and balance.

After Care assistance is also provided with corrective self-treatment exercises and overall lifestyle adjustments, in order to assist the patient also during the post treatment stage. By providing a comprehensive support towards correction, recovery and prevention with After-Care advice, the patient will be supported towards the maintenance and the preservation of the attained treatment's results and the overall well-being.

Alongside our clinic treatments (when suitable) free Taijutsu & Taihenjutsu classes are also offered to all our patients, as an extra complementary activity.

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