Homeopathy is based on the principle that ‘like cures like’, that is, a substance which causes symptoms when taken in large doses, can be used in small amounts to treat those same symptoms. For example, drinking too much coffee can cause sleeplessness and agitation, so according to this principle, when made into a homeopathic medicine Coffea, it could be used to treat people with these symptoms.
Homeopathic medicine stimulates a person’s own healing processes and can be used for treating long or short-term illnesses. A homeopath develops a remedy or treatment plan specifically for an individual patient. Therefore, the more one knows about the patient, their symptoms, likes and dislikes, what makes them better or worse etc. helps in developing a successful treatment plan.
Homeopathic remedies, which are made from naturally occurring plant, animal, or mineral substances, are manufactured by established pharmaceutical companies under strict guidelines. Homeopathy is safe as the remedies are made from a very small amount of the active ingredient. It is safe to use for babies, children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, ideally under the supervision of a registered homeopath.